Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Webinar at BrainSurface : Administration of Automatic Diagnostic Repository

Can you spare one hour or so on this Thursday 12th May at 11 am EDT? I would like to invite you to my webinar as part of WebaThon Series @BrainSurface.

You can register for free here.

Following are details of the Webinar:

Oracle has consolidated the diagnostic information of database under one umbrella called Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR). This repository is XML-based opening up new vistas for future Oracle diagnostic tools to manipulate the hierarchical data. In this session, learn the fundamental features of ADR, layout of files, server and client side tracing, retention policies, a peek at ADR layout in Exadata, adrci command line tool, and where you need to manually rotate the files.
Hosted by Tariq Farooq

Date & Time 05/13/11, 11:00 AM — 12:15 PM
Registrations Available Unlimited
Registration Deadline 05/13/22, 11:00 AM

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