Monday, September 18, 2017

SRVCTL Status Doesn't Show RAC instances Running Unlike SQLPLUS

Yesterday, I converted a single instance physical standby database to a cluster database with 2 nodes.

After converting that to RAC database, I brought both instances up in mount state on both nodes and they came up fine and I started managed recovery on one node and it started working perfectly fine and got in sync with the primary.

Then I added them as a cluster resource by srvctl like this:

$ srvctl add database -d mystb -o /d01/app/oracle/product/ -r PHYSICAL_STANDBY -s MOUNT
$ srvctl add instance -d mystb -i mystb1 -n node1
$ srvctl add instance -d mystb -i mystb2 -n node2

But srvctl status didnt show it running:

$ srvctl status database -d mystb -v
Instance mystb1 is not running on node node1
Instance mystb2 is not running on node node2

While from SQLPLUS, I could see both instances mounted:

SQL> select instance_name,status,host_name from gv$instance;

---------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------
mystb1             MOUNTED      node1
mystb2              MOUNTED      node2

So I needed to start database in srvctl (thought it was already started and mounted) just to please srvctl:

So I ran this:

$ srvctl start database -d mystb

The command didn't do anything but change the status of resource on the cluster. After running above, it worked:

$ srvctl status database -d mystb -v
 Instance mystb1 is running on node node1
 Instance mystb2 is running on node node2

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