If you are wondering what might be the reasons to have ORA-1652, then you can use the following query to get the idea:
select sql_id, sum(temp_space_allocated)/1024/1024
from dba_hist_active_sess_history
where sample_time between timestamp '2020-06-25 19:30:00' and timestamp '2020-06-25 20:00:00'
group by sql_id
order by 2 desc;
Also check out the control real-time monitoring of the sessions and v$tempseg_usage, maybe some other query who is using temp and rapidly filling it.
Also check this view
select sql_id, sum(temp_space_allocated)/1024/1024
from dba_hist_active_sess_history
where sample_time between timestamp '2020-06-25 19:30:00' and timestamp '2020-06-25 20:00:00'
group by sql_id
order by 2 desc;
Also check out the control real-time monitoring of the sessions and v$tempseg_usage, maybe some other query who is using temp and rapidly filling it.
Also check this view
which describes temporary segment usage.
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